30 Day $3,000 Money Savings Challenge
A money savings challenge that will help you save $3,000 in 30 days!
Saving over $3,000 in a month may sound really hard, especially if you aren't used to saving money. The 30-Day Money Savings Challenge helps you to gradually save up the money to reach your goal of $3,000.
This useful 3k money savings challenge printable will help you to gradually increase your savings over a 30 day period and help boost your savings, tackle your debt, and get smarter with your money.
The $3,000 Savings challenge printable is easy to use: There's a total of 30 cars and each one of them represents one day of a month. You don't have to go in order, choose any amount and save it for a particular day. Once you have that amount saved, color it in and see your progress! Instant Download. Print or use digitally.
For more money saving and budget options, visit our website at www.richgirlsavings.com
A PDF and JPG File